Kamis, 03 September 2015

Sengkaling Recreation Park

In this post I will discuss about Sengkaling Recreation Park. I actually personally have never been to Sengkaling Recreation Park. But, because of my task this time in order to describe Sengkaling Recreation Park, then I will explain se know me only.

Operating hours SFF is open daily from 16.00 s / d 23:00 pm, except Saturdays and Sundays SFF open from 12.00 s / d 23:00 pm.
And there are many kinds of food typical of East Java. Such as, Rujak Cingur, Bakso, Pecel, Nasi Campur, Soto, Sate, Jagung Bakar and others.

I am less know more info because I only take some of this information from the article that explains some of the Sengkaling Recreation Park. So, if there is one word please understandable. ^^

Source: Malang Information

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